“I have had 2 kids” or “I am getting old”, we have heard these excuses for urinary incontinence before, but is it normal?

Peeing when sneezing, coughing or laughing may be common in our society, but it is not normal and can often be treated. This form of incontinence is called stress incontinence, because it only occurs when the pelvic floor is stressed with increased pressure (like during a cough, sneeze or laugh). Some risk factors for stress urinary incontinence include being female, aging, having had multiple children and having a history of tearing in the pelvic floor musculature.

The great news is that this condition can often be treated by a pelvic floor physiotherapist. A pelvic floor physiotherapist works with patients to take a detailed health history, analyze the pelvic floor musculature and prescribe a treatment plan to improve symptoms.

If you are having stress incontinence please get in touch with our pelvic floor physiotherapist Kelsey!